API Reference



Decorator that transforms a function into a Command.


Decorator that transforms a function into a Group.

@discord.ext.slash.permit(target: Union[discord.role.Role, discord.abc.User, discord.object.Object], perm: bool, guild_id: Optional[int] = Ellipsis, type: Optional[discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandPermissionType] = None)

Decorator on top of a command that adds a permissions overwrite.


The Bot

class discord.ext.slash.SlashBot(*args, **kwargs)

A bot that supports slash commands.

Constructor arguments in addition to those provided to discord.ext.commands.Bot are as follows:

  • debug_guild (int) – While testing your bot, it may be useful to have instant command updates for global commands. Setting this to a guild ID will redirect all global commands to commands specific to that guild. Once in production, set this to None or do not set it at all.

  • resolve_not_fetch (bool) – If True (the default), Discord objects passed in arguments will be resolved from the slash commands API, not retrieved or fetched.

  • fetch_if_not_get (bool) – If False (the default), Discord objects passed in arguments will not be fetched from the API if retrieving them from cache fails.

app_info: discord.AppInfo

Cached output of application_info(). Might not be present until on_ready() has fired at least once.

slash: set[Command]

All top-level Command and Group objects currently registered in code.


Create a Command with the decorated coroutine and **kwargs and add it to slash.


Create a Group with the decorated coroutine and **kwargs and add it to slash.

add_slash(func, **kwargs)

Non-decorator version of slash_cmd().

add_slash_group(func, **kwargs)

Non-decorator version of slash_group().

add_slash_cog(cog: type)

Add all attributes of cog that are Command or Group instances.


cog (type) – The cog to read attributes from.

async application_info()

Equivalent to discord.Client.application_info(), but caches its output in app_info.

async register_commands(guild_id: Optional[int] = None)

Update commands on the API.


guild_id (int) – Only update commands specific to this guild.

async register_permissions(guild_id: Optional[int] = None)

Update command permissions on the API.


guild_id (int) – Only update permissions for this guild. Note: All commands will still be updated, but only permissions related to this guild will be updated.

Interaction Context

class discord.ext.slash.Context(*args, **kwargs)

Object representing an interaction.

id: int

The interaction ID.

guild: Union[discord.Guild, discord.Object]

The guild where the interaction took place. Can be an Object with just the ID if the client is not in the guild.

channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.Object]

The channel where the command was run. Can be an Object with just the ID if the client is not in the guild.

author: discord.Member

The user who ran the command. If guild is an Object, a lot of Member methods that require the guild will break and should not be relied on.

command: Command

The command that was run.

options: Mapping[str, Any]

The options passed to the command (including this context). More useful in groups and checks.

me: Optional[discord.Member]

The bot, as a Member in that context. Can be None if the client is not in the guild.

client: SlashBot

The bot.

webhook: Optional[discord.Webhook]

Webhook used for sending followup messages. None until interaction response has been sent

property bot

The bot. Alias for client.

async respond(content='', *, embed: Optional[discord.embeds.Embed] = None, embeds: Optional[Iterable[discord.embeds.Embed]] = None, allowed_mentions: Optional[discord.mentions.AllowedMentions] = None, file: Optional[discord.file.File] = None, ephemeral: bool = False, deferred: bool = False, flags: Optional[Union[discord.ext.slash.CallbackFlags, int]] = None, rtype: discord.ext.slash.InteractionResponseType = <InteractionResponseType.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE: 4>)

Respond to the interaction. If called again, edits the response.

  • TypeError – if both embed and embeds are specified.

  • ValueError – if sending channel message without content.

async delete()

Delete the original interaction response message.

async send(*args, **kwargs)

Send a message in the channel where the the command was run. Equivalent to send() for Context.channel.

Only method that works after the interaction token has expired. Only works if client is present there as a bot user too.


alias of discord.ext.slash.Context

Slash Commands

class discord.ext.slash.Command(coro: Coroutine, **kwargs)

Represents a slash command.

The following constructor argument does not map to an attribute:


check (Coroutine) – A coroutine to run before calling the command. If it returns False (not falsy, False), then the command is not run.

The following attributes are set by constructor arguments:

coro: Coroutine

(Required) Original callback for the command.

id: Optional[int]

ID of registered command. Can be None when not yet registered, or if not a top-level command.

name: str

Command name. Defaults to coro .__name__.

description: str

Description shown in command list. Default coro .__doc__.

guild_id: Optional[int] = None

If present, this command only exists in this guild.

parent: Optional[Group] = None

Parent (sub)command group.

default_permission: bool = True

If False, this command is disabled by default when the bot is added to a new guild. It must be re-enabled per user or role using permissions.

  • TypeError – if coro has a required argument (other than self) without an annotation.

  • ValueError – if no description is specified and coro has no docstring.

  • ValueError – if no arguments to coro are annotated with Context or a subclass.

The following attributes are not set by constructor arguments:

options: Mapping[str, Option]

Options for this command. Set by inspecting the function annotations.

permissions: CommandPermissionsDict

Permission overrides for this command. A dict of guild IDs to dicts of: role or user or member objects (partial or real) to boolean enable/disable values to grant/deny permissions.

default: bool = False

If True, invoking the base parent of this command translates into invoking this subcommand. (Not settable in arguments.)


Set this command’s check to this coroutine.

property qualname

Fully qualified name of command, including group names.

add_perm(target: Union[discord.role.Role, discord.abc.User, discord.object.Object], perm: bool, guild_id: Optional[int] = Ellipsis, type: Optional[discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandPermissionType] = None)

Add a permission override.


Generally there are four ways of calling this:

  • add_perm(target, perm) will infer guild_id and type from target.guild.id and the type of target (respectively).

  • add_perm(target, perm, guild_id) will infer the type, but manually set the guild ID (e.g. with a User and not a Member).

  • add_perm(discord.Object(id), perm, guild_id, type) will manually set the guild ID and type since all you have is an ID.

  • add_perm(..., guild_id=None) will do any of the above but apply the permissions to the defaults that all specific-guild permissions will inherit from, instead of applying to any particular guild.

  • ValueError – if type is unspecified but cannot be inferred.

  • ValueError – if guild_id is unspecified but cannot be inferred.

class discord.ext.slash.Group(coro: Coroutine, **kwargs)

Represents a group of slash commands. Attributes and constructor arguments are the same as Command unless documented below.


coro (Coroutine) – (Required) Callback invoked when a subcommand of this group is called. (This is not a check! Register a check using check().)

slash: Mapping[str, Union[Group, Command]]

Subcommands of this group.


See SlashBot.slash_cmd().


See SlashBot.slash_group().

add_slash(func, **kwargs)

See SlashBot.add_slash().

add_slash_group(func, **kwargs)

See SlashBot.add_slash_group().

Data Classes

class discord.ext.slash.Option(description: str, type: discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandOptionType = <ApplicationCommandOptionType.STRING: 3>, **kwargs)

An argument to a Command. This must be passed as an annotation to the corresponding argument.

Constructor arguments map directly to attributes, besides the one below which has a different type signature:


choices (Optional[Iterable[Union[str, Mapping[str, str], Choice]]]) – Strings are converted into Choice objects with the same name and value. dict objects are passed as kwargs to the Choice constructor.

description: str

The description of the option, displayed to users.

type: ApplicationCommandOptionType = :attr:`ApplicationCommandOptionType.STRING`

The argument type.

name: Optional[str] = None

The name of the option, if different from its argument name.

required: bool = False

If True, this option must be specified for a valid command invocation.

choices: Optional[list[Choice]]

Only these values are allowed for this option.

class discord.ext.slash.Choice(name: str, value: str)

Represents one choice for an option value.

Constructor arguments map directly to attributes.

name: str

The description of the choice, displayed to users.

value: str

The actual value fed into the application.


class discord.ext.slash.SlashWarning

discord.ext.slash-specific warning type.


alias of Dict[Optional[int], Dict[Tuple[int, discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandPermissionType], bool]]

Partial Objects

Objects resolved from the slash commands API often do not contain all the information that discord.py prefers (most notably guild information).

class discord.ext.slash.PartialObject(id)

Bases: discord.object.Object

Subclasses of this have their .:attr:guild as a Object, so their guild-related functionality may break.

guild: discord.Object
class discord.ext.slash.PartialTextChannel(*, state, guild, data)

Bases: discord.channel.TextChannel, discord.ext.slash.PartialObject

A partial TextChannel.

class discord.ext.slash.PartialCategoryChannel(*, state, guild, data)

Bases: discord.channel.CategoryChannel, discord.ext.slash.PartialObject

A partial CategoryChannel.

class discord.ext.slash.PartialVoiceChannel(*, state, guild, data)

Bases: discord.channel.VoiceChannel, discord.ext.slash.PartialObject

A partial VoiceChannel.

class discord.ext.slash.PartialMember(*, data, guild, state)

Bases: discord.member.Member, discord.ext.slash.PartialObject

A partial Member.

class discord.ext.slash.PartialRole(*, guild, state, data)

Bases: discord.role.Role, discord.ext.slash.PartialObject

A partial Role.


class discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandOptionType(value)

Possible Command Option types. Default is STRING.


Marks a sub-Command, only used internally.


Marks a Group, only used internally.

The type signatures of the below attributes mark the type that the argument value is passed as. For example, options of type STRING are passed as str.

USER: Union[discord.Member, discord.User, PartialMember, discord.Object]
CHANNEL: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.CategoryChannel, discord.VoiceChannel, PartialTextChannel, PartialCategoryChannel, PartialVoiceChannel, discord.Object]
ROLE: Union[discord.Role, PartialRole, discord.Object]
MENTIONABLE: Union[discord.Member, discord.User, PartialMember, discord.Role, PartialRole, discord.Object]
NUMBER: float
class discord.ext.slash.ApplicationCommandPermissionType(value)

Possible types of permission grants. For use in Command.add_perm() and permit().


Specifies that this permission grant is to a role.


Specifies that this permission grant is to a user.

class discord.ext.slash.InteractionResponseType(value)

Possible ways to respond to an interaction. For use in Context.respond().


Only used to ACK a Ping, never valid here. Included only for completeness.


Show user input and send a message. Default.


Show user input and display a “waiting for bot” system message. Send a response with this type and edit the response later if you need to do some asynchronous fetch or something.

class discord.ext.slash.CallbackFlags(value)

Flags to pass to the flags argument of Context.respond().


Only the user receiving the message can see it


alias of discord.ext.slash.CallbackFlags


discord.ext.slash.on_interaction_create(event: dict)

Triggered by Discord interactions. For internal use.


Triggered immediately after SlashBot.register_commands() to give an opportunity to register dynamic permissions in code before pushing to the API. If overriding using @:meth:discord.Client.event, you must await -SlashBot.register_permissions() at the end of the event handler. See /stop in demo_bot.py for an example.